Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Guess I'll Skip Halloween and Thanksgiving... that the Christmas beers have already hit the shelves. And considering the fact that it is snowing today (!), I broke down and bought some Christmas cheer much earlier than I normally would. Goose Island's Christmas Beer is one of only two Goose Island varieties (along with Bourbon County Stout) that sells in New Mexico. In fact, this is the first year the Christmas beer is being sold here (Jubilation, $6.99 for 22 oz.). The recipe changes slightly from year to year, this year's being what Goose Island describes as a "complex brown ale" that will age well for up to five years. At only 5.7%, you better make sure that the beer is kept at a constant cool temperature. Goose Island suggests cellaring the beer, but houses with cellars in New Mexico aren't plentiful. I'll keep mine in the fridge, and I'll make room in there for Odell Isolation, Sierra Celebration, and Great Divide Hibernation. All of those Winter beers are in stores now, even before it's time to throw away that last rotted out jack-o-lantern.

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