What makes Marble's fest unique is the unlimited
free samples you get as part of the $20 fee, and none of the 17 NM breweries represented at the fest will be crying about going out of business from the amount of samples you take. The fee also gets you a souvenir pint glass and a pint of whichever beer you choose. The fest runs from 12-6 so I'd advise you to pace yourself, lest you end up with a skinned knee like the New Zealander I saw take a fall at last year's fest. It would probably be smart to take advantage of the Chama River food area that will be at the fest, or take a break from the beer and catch the three musical acts who will perform (I don't think any will be playing oompah music, so you're safe there).
Among the 17 featured breweries, there will be one which I haven't sampled from yet: Blue Heron, out of Embudo. Always excited to try a new brewery, even if they were "new" as of 2010. News travels slow on the internet.
Marble's Septemberfest is based loosely on Germany's famed Oktoberfest. I've made this point in the past, but again: there are only 6 breweries pouring beer at the Germany fest, and only one beer at each brewery's tent at that. We lucky Americans have 17 breweries to sample from with multiple beers pouring at each booth. If that isn't incentive enough, you get even more beer when you buy your ticket in advance at Marble Brewery: with a $20 ticket purchase, you get a free pint (only available at time of purchase; don't show up a year later with a rotted wristband still attached to your arm and expect to get that pint). Tickets at the door will cost $25, but I strongly suggest you buy that ticket in advance as the event sold out last year and turned many a lederhosen clad person away unhappy.