Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Dane of my Existence

Danish beers from the king of experimental breweries, Mikkeller, are popping up at our local Jubilation, Bird of Paradise, and Kelly Liquors (Juan Tabo location). I stopped in at the Juan Tabo Kelly's to window shop the arrivals. There is Black, with an outrageously high ABV of 16.5% (!), Goliat, a 10.1% ABV Coffee Imperial Stout collaboration with To OL Brewery (there is one of those foreign slashes through the big O but I'm too lazy to find the keyboard shortcut), and Beer Geek (that's MY name!) Brunch Weasel aged in Calvados barrels. The Brunch uses the ca phe chon coffee know, the one that passes through an animal's digestive system and is excreted and somehow highly coveted...Good Morning Vietnam! The use of that rare bean makes for a price that I can rarely afford, at $14.99 for GASP! 8.5 oz. of beer! You gotta beer both a beer and coffee freak to buy this, but I wouldn't blame you! Prices for the others pictured, the Goliat and Black, are $11.99 and $16.99 and both come in 12.7 ounce bottles. Not pictured is the To Ol Sleep Over Coffee DIPA. That's right, Bill Murray: it equates to cats and dogs living together and all that other crazy stuff. Only $7.99 for that one. You may want to find a friend or two to go in on these beers with you and see what you think.

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