Friday, November 13, 2015

Stone Doesn't Care What You Think

Yes, I'm a cranky old curmudgeon. We all know that. But what do you expect when you have a social media world of whiny little pussies and their smarmy sayings like tl/dr? Your attention span is that short that a paragraph has become too much for you to deal with in your important life? And hashtags, while certainly useful for gathering data together, are also tainted by the equally smarmy hashtags such as sorrynotsorry. Hey, I said something shitty about you, but this hashtag makes it funny and therefore acceptable now. Unless you go to college in Missouri. Nothing is acceptable there right now.
So, the rant, of course, has to do with Stone Brewing's latest release, Sorry Not Sorry IPA. This irritatingly named beer no doubt is a reply to all the people who think Stone focuses too much on making IPAs. Personaly, I don't think Stone can make enough of them. Plus they colloborate with lesser known breweries that we may not ordinarily have the chance to try. This latest, a DIPA with peaches, is a collaboration with 4 Hands and Bale Breaker. 4 Hands is one of a number of quality St. Louis breweries on the scene right now, and is probably best known for its variety of stouts. Bale Breaker is a brewery having the luxury of being located in hop heaven: Yakima, Washington. They also have the luxury of coming from a family of hop farmers. It's been rumored that the 7-11 stores there dispense hop slurpees, and it's no surprise that Bale Breaker's best known beer is their Topcutter IPA. Sorry Not Sorry, though listing peaches as an ingredient, thankfully doesn't come off as a can of sweet peaches, which is what I got out of Tree Shaker from Odell. Sorry Not Sorry is more of a straight DIPA, with the wonderful Simcoe hop playing a prominent role, along with experimental hops HBC 342 and 344. Add in some Warrior (a brewery other than Left Hand still uses that hop?) and some Mosaic, and you've got yourself a 9.3% ABV, 70 IBU beer. Refreshing to see a DIPA that isn't trying to tout itself as having 150 IBUs. $8.99 per bomber at Jubilation and other fine stores. Also on tap at Sister right now, but save me some because I can't get there till tomorrow.

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