Monday, July 22, 2019

Everybody Gets a Vote: IPA Challenge Round 2

Tumbleroot hosted the Santa Fe leg of the 2019 NM IPA Challenge, which saw some breweries make huge leaps in votes from the first round. For instance, Rio Bravo received 6 times the votes that they did in the first round. Yup. Only problem is their total went from 1 vote to 7. But things could always be worse: Marble only received 3 votes in the second round, bringing their 2 round total to...3. Tough competition this year, though it looks as if Boxing Bear can dust off the Apollo Creed trunks and get ready to receive the trophy if Albuquerque voters continue the trend. Boxing Bear picked up another 32 votes in round 2, giving them 49 total. Bosque had a strong second place showing with 23 votes, though the only 7 votes in round 1 could hurt their chances in the final. Icebox's following thawed a bit in the second round, going from 16 votes in the first to only 4 in the second. Peculiar. That would put Ex Novo in the position to be Rookie of the Year, though having a pedigree of years in the Portland market earns them an asterisk. It may take a Buster Douglas-type upset to unseat Boxing Bear this year. My office pool was messed up from the beginning: I had Santa Fe as my dark horse winner.

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