Friday, October 21, 2011

New Beer Friday

Man, this one again? I still have a bunch of bottles from last year, and so do the liquor stores. No matter, this 10.5% big brother to Arrogant Bastard ages just fine, thank you. And the price has stayed about the same for years, too, at $6.99. Thanks for not price-gouging, Stone.

Rogue releases their first Pumpkin Ale that I can remember with Chatoe Rogue First Growth Pumpkin Patch Ale. I don't really know much about it other than I paid $8.99 for it at Kelly Liquors on Wyoming. In-depth reporting there, huh? Have a great weekend, and hope to see you at Hopfest tomorrow.


John Marchiando said...

Have fun at Hopfest! I'll expect a full report. I can't be there, unfortunately. I have to work.

medicmatt said...

The Rogue Pumpkin is flipping amazing! And it is ONLY 7.99 at Jubilation!