Thursday, July 9, 2009

13 Years Old? Here Comes the Bad Attitude

Damn teenagers, always skulking around, smoking their Newports and giving off bad attitudes. Plus all the guys wear those super-tight pants these days. What's that all about? I'd rather see a dude walking around in a mesh half-shirt. That's haute fashion.

This rant has a purpose, of course, and that is to celebrate the coming of age of Stone's Anniversary Series. This year's, the 13th, is an Imperial Red Ale which used 4.5 pounds of Chinook, Centennial, and Simcoe hops per barrel, the most ever used in one Stone Beer! This is the most excited I've been for a Stone Anniversary release since the 10th, which is one of my all-time favorites. The beer just arrived in town today, so I haven't tried it yet. Stone says not to wait on drinking this year's version and I think that is good advice: you know that teenagers are just get worse and worse as they get older. Pretty soon you'll see them hanging out at the mall with the malt liquors. Get yours today for $6.49.


Unknown said...

How was it?

ABQbeergeek said...

I picked up a case of it, but I need you to come help me drink it. This beer needs to be sampled when fresh; I think all the malt to make it an "Imperial Red" will turn it into an old Hercules or Maharaja.