Er, make that the coldest, at Kelly's Liquors on Coors near Paseo. They have a large selection of single bottles available for mixing your own six-pack, with the "premium" mix priced at $9.99, and the "regular" beers $7.99 (though the $7.99 beers are no slouch). This is a service that is only too welcome for someone like me, who is at the point where the fridge is so full I may need to cut food out of my diet. If there are six different new beers I want to try, I don't have to buy six-packs of each, which allows me to spend more money at the bar. See the logic? Trader Joe's has "Mystery Beer" bags for $6.99 that have 8 random beers in them, which is great if you are new to beer and want to try different styles but I personally don't need a Dos Equis and a Peter's Brand Dutch Pilsner to expand my horizons. Great idea and price if you don't mind a clunker here and there. Kelly's gives you the chance to mix Odell, Stone, Ska, Flying Dog, North Coast, New Belgium, Deschutes, Abita, and lots of others. So the question is: which of these brown-bodied beauties will
you be spending the night with?
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