Friday, August 25, 2023

The Dog's Day of Summer

When was it decided that there had to be a day for everything that ever existed? And who decides which are national and which are global? Does World Radio Day carry more weight than National Hot Dog Day? I'm more inclined to celebrate National IPA Day than either. And National Beer Day must look down upon IPA day, right? So many more styles to celebrate. And now every dog has its day with National Dog Day, apparently celebrated every August 26. Even the cynic in me can get behind this one, especially knowing that Boxing Bear is holding an adoption event on Dog Day to hopefully bring some dogs the best days of their lives. The Corrales location will host the adoption part of the event from 12-3 with the Cross My Paws animal rescue. There will be more than 18 pups available to take home and love. Every pint sold between 12-3 means $1 donated to Cross My Paws, so get out there and drink until you feel you've donated enough. Dogs not adopted by 3 will still hang around to make you happy, so give them a scratch. As a bonus, Bridges Breeze Photography is donating their time with a photo booth where you can get a FREE professional photo taken of your dog from 2-5 pm. Make a donation to Cross My Paws via their Amazon wish list or Chewy wish list and be entered into an hourly drawing for some fun stuff. Dog in photo definitely not avalable for adoption, but always accepting of treats and pets.

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