Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Nice Girls Swirl and Swish...

Anyone going to Swirl, Swish and Swallow? I don't think I can make it, and it's a shame. Once you get past all the wineries that will be taking up space, there are plenty of breweries to make this a worthwhile event. Marble, Odell, Ska, Kona, Widmer, New Belgium, Breckenridge, and Oskar Blues all will be serving beers. Only 700 tickets will be sold, which should mean lots of elbow room and plenty of time to try all those beers. The $30 event is happening this Thursday, Dec. 10, at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. One of the "presenters" of this event is the Law Office of Michelle Baca...wonder if her office will end up defending any drunk drivers caught leaving the event. Ironic.


MrsMcGilicutty said...

I am going! Can I get a "giggty giggty goo?"

Reid Rivenburgh said...

It did look interesting. How was it? Was it snobby? I think of wine tastings as snooty affairs, unlike beer tastings that attract salt-of-the-earth drunks.

MrsMcGilicutty said...

I went and it was AWESOME! Not snobby at all! However, Greg and I did laugh at how they separated the beer from everything and everyone else! Ha:) I was delighted by Ska Brewing's Decadent Imperial Stout. Hoppy, citrusy and kind of carmel flavored...yum for my tum! They had some delicious food, best of all,the buckwheat pancakes with creme fraiche (sp?) and caviar that belonged to Jennifer James 101. I know the standard practice is to take only one but I couldn't help but to help myself to 7 of them. DELICIOUS! $30 was pretty steep especially around the holiday but I look forward to going next year. Wish you could have been there!

Reid Rivenburgh said...

Darn, sounds fun! "Hm, you're wearing sweat pants and a ripped T shirt with vomit stains... the beer section is right over here, sir."

I should check out that Ska brew. Nice combo of flavors.

I didn't realize pancakes could be eaten with caviar. (Beer guy talking again.... I usually only put caviar in my cheerios!) Sounds like you got your money's worth, at least! Thanks for the report, maybe next year....