Monday, January 24, 2011

New Beers Offer Grounds for Drinking

Good morning. Sitting here drinking my one cup of coffee for the day, the most my caffeine-sensitive body can handle. I think it's Starbucks brand, but only because I remember paying too much for it. As picky as I can be about beer, I can't tell the difference between most coffee brands, and am happy with the cheap stuff. Not everyone in the house shares my lowbrow opinion, however. If I am going to spend money on coffee, then the Cowboy Coffee Porter from Big Sky is more my cup of tea. I don't even have to limit myself to one cup- in fact, the more of it I drink, the better I sleep. 6.2% ABV, $8.99 retail price.

Of course I cant write about coffee beers without including one from the Pacific Northwest. It's not quite Seattle, but the weather can be just as miserable. Portland's Bridgeport Brewery has introduced Cafe Negro, a 5.5% ABV, $7.99 Coffee Porter. I originally thought that Bridgeport was mixing fancy words from French and Spanish, then I learned that coffee in Spanish is also "cafe". Small world. Is the name an homage to the hard working South Americans like Juan Valdez? I don't know. Does Bridgeport use Fair Trade coffee? I don't know, and I don't care. Awhile back, some lady in the supermarket coffee section was admonishing me to only buy expensive Fair Trade coffee. I told her that only after I find a way to afford all the beer I need and pay my bills on time will I ever worry about coffee farmers. Speaking of bills, I see Comcast is calling me right now. Wonder what they could want?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where can we get these great coffee beers?