...And someone ordered me "extra crispy". Though Il Vicino had tents in all serving areas, I still managed to be in direct sunlight every time I was talking to someone. I have come to the realization that the mixture of sun exposure with St. Bob's 2006 Imperial Stout and 2005 Barleywine, the first tastes of the day, make for a very short day of drinking.

I powered through, no problem. With, what, 35 or more taps of Il Vicino favorites, rarities, and a pinkish beer available on tap, I knew it would be a battle against time before I turned into a Salsiccia (number 6 on the Il Vicino menu). Il Vicino was generous enough to allow for 30 2 oz. pours plus two drink tickets for 6 oz. pours, allowing you to
just miss the goal of trying them all. Adventurous dhinkers got by the limit by yelling, "Matteo is drunk and naked again!", distracting the pourer from marking off the drink wristband. I was happy to try all the hoppy beers, with Exodus and Galaxy standing out in the IPAs. I was hoping to see some Odin's Imperial Red, but I think I can make do with single hop choices of Centennial, Galaxy, and Simcoe, thanks.
The area for the event was spacious, so I never felt like my sunscreen/sweat was dripping directly into a person's beer. Great job by Il Vicino, especially considering this is the first big fest they've done since opening the Canteen. I look forward to the IPA challenge there in July.
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