It's true! Put a nice spread out and watch the brewers flock like ants at a picnic. Their only natural enemies are the wannabee journalists like myself, who will stand elbow to elbow with them in a fight to empty the chafing dishes first. That was the case Wednesday night at Wynkoop Brewery, where the annual pre-GABF Brewers' Gathering took place.

Thanks to Jeff Erway of Chama River, Jenn and I were able to partake in the event, along with a few hundred others who quickly packed the three floors of Wynkoop. Free beer from twenty breweries, including Deschutes, Avery, Green Flash, and Alesmith, among others, were being poured
almost as fast as I was trying them. It's only the first night, I told myself; take it easy. Well, it was easy; easy to drink all those wonderful beers!

Since I vowed to take it easy, we moved onto the Falling Rock Tap House to keep the trend of not taking my own best advice alive. We met up with the New Mexico contingent of Jeff Erway, Brad Kraus (Blue Corn), and Daniel Jaramillo (Marble), who were busy drinking any Russian River beers offered. I followed their lead and drank some Pliny the Elder and Temptation, and watched all of Denver eventually fill the bar as the night grew later. When I had to push people away just to take a breath, I knew it was time for us to leave. It wasn't even 10:30 yet, but we headed back to our hotel anyway. After all, we had to take it easy on the first night.
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