New Belgium's latest release in their Lips of Faith (lower production, more expensive) line of beers is the Belgo IPA. "Belgo" is not the cute name for the beer; it is actually the term for the style of beer that combines an American-style IPA with a Belgian yeast strain. I have had a few of these, with Stone's Cali-Belgique and Flying Dog's Raging Bitch being memorable to me. I haven't tried the New Belgium version yet- the reason being is I have recently discovered math. Maybe "discovered" is the wrong word, as I'm sure I have used it once or twice in the past, but I recently started applying it to beer prices. Example: A 22 oz. bottle of this Belgo IPA goes for $7.99. Break it down to six-pack cost by roughly dividing the 22 oz. bottle by two, carrying the one, and breaking the abacus in frustration, that comes out to a $24 six-pack! And I know this is not a new phenomenon, but I never wanted to face the reality of what I am spending on a limited release bomber. And I still don't. I'm swearing off math forever as of right now. Ignorance is indeed bliss, and I'm going to be the most ignorant of them all!
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