A good Friday to you, my friends. We have a couple of new beers in town this week. Batting first is TNT from Left Hand Brewing. TNT is a 7.8% ABV Weizenbock...or at least that's what Left Hand says. The beer tastes more like a Rauchbier because of the strong smoked malt flavor. That's not a bad thing unless you are trying to win a medal in the Weizenbock category. If you like smoked beers and have $6.99 burning a hole in your pocket (which would go right along with the smoke in the beer) then head to your nearest liquor store- everyone is carrying Left Hand stuff. For some reason they are becoming the darling of local "sometimes craft beer lovers", just like New Belgium was the past few years.

You say your life just isn't the same since Marble ran out of its Citra Pale Ale? Yeah, things are tough all over. Jesus wasn't having his best day around this time a few years back. Maybe Widmer can get your spirits rising again with X-114 IPA, the first release in their Rotator series of IPAs. It only uses two hop varieties, Alchemy for bittering and Citra for everything else. I've only seen this 6.2% ABV IPA in 12 packs at Kelly Liquors on Wyoming but it should be available in six-packs around town as well. The 12-pack was selling for $14.99.
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