Friday, August 17, 2012

Summer Pumpkins and Winter Shandies

I know that Pumpkin beers have their detractors, but count me as a fan. A huge fan. Since I hate cold weather, the only thing about fall that I look forward to is the release of Pumpkin Ales. I'm not ready for the influx of the Pumpkins just yet, but it is happening anyway. Why the breweries didn't check with how I felt first is beyond me, but our shelves are already filling up with Harvest Moon, Wasatch Pumpkin, and two from Samuel Adams: the regular Pumpkin Ale that is part of the Harvest Collection 12-pack, and the first bottling of Fat Jack Double Pumpkin Ale. Fat Jack is 8.5% ABV, with added pumpkin, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and allspice. I picked one up at Kelly's on Wyoming ($6.99) but I'm going to keep it stored away at least until the temperatures drop below 90 degrees.

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