The boys at Marble must not have felt as if they were working hard enough supplying every bar in town, from hip to dive, with their beers, so they have gone into brewing overdrive and now have given us six Brewer's Specials on tap. They have a single hop pale ale with Centennial hops (5.5%)that could pass as an IPA at plenty of lesser breweries. There is a lightish Porter (4.7%) that makes for a good session beer. Also a Winter Warmer (9.6%) that they describe as an Imperial Red/Barleywine hybrid. I describe it as too drinkable, a true test of my desire to drink more than one matched against my need to make it home alive. The Quad is the biggest and baddest of the Belgian styles, yet somehow the easiest Belgian to drink, for me at least. Sometimes Belgian Dubbels and Tripples seem overly carbonated and inhibit my imbibing. The 10% alcohol in The Quad is well hidden, though you may not be able to hide your intoxication level so well. Woodford's Brother is a 9% bastard in the Reserve family, aged for a shorter period so it only picks up a slight bourbon taste, giving it a slight candy sweetness. Finally, an Imperial Stout (10.3%) that ranks up with some of the best I have tasted, and I have tasted many. It has a strong roasted flavor alongside a big hop bite that lasts through into the finish. So while I LOVE to dance into the night at Sauce, you are more likely to find me at Marble, face down in my six new best friends.
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