Monday, April 26, 2010

Give Me a Sec...

I know you just can't wait for my Dark Lord Day story, but I've been so busy drinking that I have been unable to sit in front of the computer long enough to get one together. I'm flying out today, so maybe I'll get it done when I'm on the plane.


Unknown said...

Since you're my go-to beer guy, I have to ask: do you have ANY idea when we're going to get Sam Adam's Summer Ale? My family is in New Hampshire and they already have it out friends in Cali have it, too. As much as I adore Noble Pils, I'm ready already!

ABQbeergeek said...

It has to be soon. They had it in Chicago too this weekend. I bet it will be here within the week.

Elizabeth Bond said...

I don't believe the weather is actually getting warmer until I have a Sam's Summer in my hand. :)