Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hey, I Know That Dude!

Goody. I was afraid the folks at Samuel Adams were going to skip Albuquerque again in their distribution of Longshot. The Longshot six-packs are comprised of beers brewed by the three winners of Sam Adams annual contest in which homebrewers vie to have their recipe picked as the best in the country. What makes this year's really special is the fact that our homegrown homebrewer extraordinaire, Ben Miller, was one of the winners. Miller, of Rio Rancho (I been there! They got a bad-ass WalMart!) won for his Mile High Barleywine, a 9.8% ABV, highly hopped American style Barleywine. It was excellent at the Great American Beer Fest, and I imagine it only has improved with age. ((EDIT: It is now drinking time, and I am having the Barleywine. It is less hoppy than I remember; way more dark fruit taste. Still verry good)) Also among the winners are a 9% ABV Old Ale (Old Ales are rich, malty, dark beers, similar in flavor to English Barleywines), and a 6.4% Lemon Pepper Saison. That sounds like an interesting beer for a nice afternoon of watching baseball, and if it ever decides to stay warm outside, I might actually drink it. The six-packs, which go for $9.49 at the Mountain Run Kelly Liquors where I bought it, contain two of each of the winners. I'm excited for all of these beers, but tonight it's all about Ben's Barleywine!


MrsMcGilicutty said...

Looks like I will be making a trip to Kelly's this weekend. Can't wait to taste them!

MrsMcGilicutty said...

You have led me astray! I went to Kelly's and they didn't have it! Grrrrr!

MrsMcGilicutty said...

Oh, you know where they are selling Tactical Nuclear Penguin?

HopHed said...

Got my bottles signed. Thanks, Ben!

ABQbeergeek said...

Vanessa- sorry, didn't see your comments till now. Tactical Nuclear Penguin is not here yet, though Jubilation would be the place to find it. I heard there may be a chance that it will show up, but I don't know when.