"Beginning in April 2011 beer shipments will be ceased to Arizona, Connecticut, Indiana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Rhode Island and Tennessee. Avery Brewing Company hopes to re-enter these eight states at some point in the future once production capacity can catch up with demand. The brewery is also leaving several partial state markets, including: Northern California (Bay Area and Sacramento), Eastern Arkansas, Upstate New York (outside of New York City), Central Florida (Orlando area) and Wisconsin."
So it goes. Avery blames the rapid growth of the brewery, as sales are up 75% for the first quarter of 2011 and the brewery says they just can't keep up production to serve all those markets. Fair enough, and the blow is softened as it isn't like New Mexico is being singled out as the only state being denied Avery beers. But it still feels like one step back for our state that seems to be becoming more aware of and excited by craft beers. Luckily, none of our fine New Mexico breweries will be ceasing production anytime soon, so keep on supporting them! And if you feel the need to get out of town for a few days, Avery is only 475 miles away from Albuquerque.
Not to mention Great Divide has also ceased distribution in NM, seems like CO breweries don't care for thier neighbor to the south...but I did read a report that Green Flash will be hitting the state in July, have you been able to confirm that?
Yeah, I'll be writing on that real soon vb!
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